Informing Your Friends & Family
Enduring this ordeal is not something you want to do alone and yet disclosure to your loved ones will likely require you toovercome feelings of humiliation and shame. Start with people you trust and who are non judgmental and compassionate. Even having just a few people with whom you can talk with will make the world of difference while you navigate your dilemma.
Informing Your Colleagues
When you inform colleagues who trusted you enough to send referrals to you, you begin to realize just how pervasive the consequences are. Again, start with the colleagues you trust and who you find non-judgemental. Apologize for breaking their trust and let them know about the work you have done on yourself and how situation has helped you grow into a better person and clinician.

Informing your patients
If you are on probation, the Board may require you to inform your patients and have them sign a form that informs them that you are now in supervised practice. While you are not required to tell them the details, by now your accusation will be Public Record on the Consumer Affairs website. Working with your supervisor who is experienced in breaking the news to your patients is highly recommended.